Refund and Return Policy

At Professional Branding Botswana, customer satisfaction is our priority. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can return or exchange your product under the following conditions:

  • No items will be returned or exchanged unless prior written authorization has been obtained from Professional Branding Botswana within 24 hours of delivery/collection and will be subject to a 25% handling and admin fee.
  • It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to determine that the goods purchased are suitable for the purposes of intended use.
  • Professional Branding Botswana cannot accept returns on incorrect items that have already been branded and approved by the client prior to branding.
  • All non-faulty returns/exchanges will be subject to a handling fee of 25% of the total amount of the invoice.
  • Under no circumstances may goods be returned to any of our physical addresses without prior written arrangement.
  • Refunds will take up to 30 days once accepted.
  • Goods returned will be either replaced or a credit given at Professional Branding Botswana’s discretion.
  • No branded goods will be returnable if not branded by Professional Branding Botswana.
  • Professional Branding Botswana cannot accept returns on incorrect items which have already been branded regardless of whether it’s Professional Branding Botswana’s fault or not.
  • Once an order on memory sticks has been collected from us, Professional Branding Botswana cannot accept a return on it.
  • Once stock has been collected/delivered from/by Professional Branding Botswana, we have no control over it. As such, we do not accept responsibility for any damages or shortages not reported within 24 hours.